Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What a difference an inch makes...

We were about 1 inch of snow away from a MAJOR meltodown of epic proportions today! Today we woke up to 3- 4 ish inches of snow...Today also marked the beginning of Jack's Student of the Week at school (a week that he has already managed to figure out is a special day short due to the Presidents!)... Today also happened to be the only day that "Dad" could join us for SOW festivities...

We have been SO happy with Jack's teachers and were ridiculously impressed with the efficiency with which they run their classroom...I think I witnessed a miracle, but I am not sure - there were no angels singing or lights shining, but as soon as his teacher said "1,2,3 eyes on me" The whole class stopped what they were playing with and said, "1,2 -eyes on you!" and proceeded to clean up the entire room. just like busy little bees... poof the whole room is clean. I could use some of that magic over here chez P...
We have the whole Star Wars theme going on for the week...Jack had to put together a poster of pictures (which he PRESENTED! to his class! Presented- like i would have lost sleep for 2 nights - he just got up and presented the pictures to his class!He clearly has his daddy's genes there) Naturally - he included a few from Disney where he "got his Jedi Training and defeated Darth Vader." AJ read a Anakin in Action - a family fave...Snack was chocolate covered pretzel "light sabers". Tomorrow we will play Star Wars bingo...

Without getting too cheesy - I can't believe his confidence! J, you impressed me so much today!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy (almost) Valentine's Day

I saw these on a blog and I can't remember where (which I hate when that happens cause I would love to give them credit! They clearly did the hard work and I am just a copycat!) I thought J. would have no interest but it looks like we have put off the Star Wars Valentine's for one more year!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

brusha brusha brusha

We had been implementing the whole - sing happy birthday to yourself twice while you brush your teeth in attempt to actually get some of the sugar bugs out. Jdog totally caught on, Crazy T would put the toothbrush in his mouth and actually sing happy birthday... no brushing occurred per say.

My new obsession... picked up on a whim at Tarjay:

The boys love them and I am no longer having to be the tooth brushing police! The tooth brush flashes for 60 seconds - bonus is its even a bit longer than the old happy birthday song and dance... Eventually we will get to one flash for the top and one flash for the bottom... baby steps.

And... just for the record, no, i am not getting paid for this public service announcement... but if the fine folks at firefly want to hook a sista up... i'll happily oblige.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

a little of this and that

apparently the photobooth on the apple never gets old! :)

* if it doesn't stop snowing soon I am going to make plans to migrate south with the birds next year... my kids haven't had a full week of school since I think 2011 started... killing me. not them. just me.

* I just realized that my due date is smack in the middle of the kids spring break. Nice.

*You really shouldn't register your first born for Kindergarten while hormonally pregnant. It's not pretty. You might do the ugly cry on the way back to your car.

*Eeeeek! AJ finally signed off on knocking the wall down between our kitchen and playroom. I am getting nervous- demo day was supposed to be today but since the snow is pushing back other projects for "Fix It Dan"- it is now scheduled for this weekend. It won't change the fact that we still have a kitchen from the days of Mad Men, but I'm kinda partial to my 1950's stove and oven as they still work! My Bosch 3 yr old dishwasher that was purchased by the previous owners has been a total NIGHTMARE- a story for another post! ;0)

*Thomas has made it till 5pm two days in a row with dry pull ups... so maybe he won't go to college in diapers... however- he's playing me because as soon as he got sent to his room for, insert inappropriate action of choice, he peed in said dry pull up.... BOTH NIGHTS.